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multiple roots中文

用"multiple roots"造句"multiple roots" in a sentence"multiple roots"怎麼讀


  • 多重根


  • Control allows you to add multiple root nodes to your tree structure
  • Asymptotic behavior of solutions to third order poincar 233 ; difference equations with multiple roots
  • The following fragment cannot be an xml document because it has multiple root elements
  • This setting accepts xml data with multiple root elements , or text nodes at the top - level
  • A line image displayed next to the first root node in a tree structure that contains multiple root nodes to indicate that the node is a leaf node
    R . gif顯示在包含多個根節點的樹結構的第一個根節點旁邊以指示該節點是葉節點的線條圖像。
  • A plus sign image displayed next to the first root node in a tree structure that contains multiple root nodes to indicate that the node is collapsed
    Plus . gif顯示在包含多個根節點的樹結構的第一個根節點旁邊以指示該節點已折疊的加號( + )圖像。
  • A minus sign image displayed next to the first root node in a tree structure that contains multiple root nodes to indicate that the node is expanded
    Rminus . gif顯示在包含多個根節點的樹結構的第一個根節點旁邊以指示該節點已展開的減號-圖像。
  • Using this control function of cci makes converge quickly , decreases interference caused by bad seismic data , makes iteration direction closely to solution , decreases multiple roots and improves resolution of impedance and reliability of seismic inversion
用"multiple roots"造句  
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